Are you ready for something different? Because we’re ready for you.

Our Services

Political Consulting

  • Campaigns & Elections

  • Ballot Initiatives

  • PAC Strategy & Management

  • Direct Mail

  • Text & Email Marketing

  • Digital Advertising

  • TV/Radio Production & Buying


Campaigns are a zero-sum game: you either win or you go home, and winning is harder than ever. Griffin Communications helps candidates organize their campaigns, discover and hone their best messaging, and run to win not only in the primary but the general election as well. Additionally, we bring unmatched expertise in PAC strategy and management, third party expenditures, and passing or defeating local ballot initiatives.

Communications Consulting

  • Speech-/Ghost-writing

  • Message Development

  • Strategic/Crisis Comms

  • Storyselling & Placements

  • Media Relations/Spox

  • Focus Groups

  • Collateral Development


Knowing what to say, to whom, for how long, and on what platform is a challenge. Griffin Communications can help find your voice, hone your message, identify your audiences, and determine the best channels to use to achieve your goals. Additionally, we specialize in the development of quantitative and qualitative messaging instruments that maximize your return-on-investment and give you the most actionable findings. Whether its traditional mass media or new media online, our expertise will position you to effectively start or change a conversation.

Grassroots Consulting

  • Party Platforms

  • Coalition-Building

  • Roots/Tops Engagement

  • Field Programs

  • Canvassing


The public’s ability to influence outcomes and shape narratives has never been greater. Highly-visible individuals and entities cannot afford to forego direct grassroots engagement as it can impact their brand and reputation or the policy issues that matter most to them. Griffin Communications specializes in grassroots organizing and coalition-building around your idea, your purpose, your identity and your policy goals.

Government Relations Consulting

  • Lobbying & Strategy

  • Bill & Amendment Drafting

  • Attorney General Opinions

  • Policy Expertise

  • Strategic Relationships

  • Monitoring

  • Points of Order


Whether it’s passing legislation to change the status quo or defeating bad policy that threatens your values or bottom-line, Griffin Communications has expertise across both chambers and understands how to best win inside the building. Unmatched policy acumen, deep relationships with members of both parties, and a firm commitment to your success make us the perfect partners for your public policy needs.